The Gift of a Mother Tongue Book

The Gift of a Mother Tongue Book

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Changing Lives

THow do children learn to read and develop a love of reading and learning if they don’t have access to books in their own language?

We take it for granted in the UK that books will be in our own language but in many parts of the world there are no school books available in the childrens’ mother tongue.

For example in Haiti, from the time of French colonialism, children have been taught in French & school books have been published in French. However Creole and French are the official languages in Haiti, while at home children speak Haitian Kreyòl. 

The Gift Of A Book

We have been working in partnership with teachers in Haiti to develop and disseminate a literacy programme in Haitian Kreyòl.

The Mother tongue literacy programmes that we support, provide books that tell stories that are relevant, that children will understand and get excited about. The books for schools relate to the local curriculum and are not based on a curriculum developed elsewhere. Research has proven that learning to read in their own language is essential for children to learn and to instil the joy of reading.

Imagine a Haitian child reading a book in their own mother tongue for the first time. Educators are delighted to see the children reading in their own language, so their culture can thrive.

How does it make you feel knowing that you are part of a new, sustainable movement, enabling students to access education in their own language?

Thank you.
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